A Day at French Cay
Here are some recently Listed and reduced Offerings. Our Roatan-Real-Estate-New-Reduced and Hot Deals get sent out to our VIP Subscriber List. Check back here or see these offerings when the VIP Subscriber List does by signing up. If you wish additional information about the islands you can also sign up on our company web site here.- https://www.roatan-realestate.com/real-estate-news/ The above link will take you to previous Newsletter for your review. We have published for 16+ years monthly featuring real estate market news, coverage of island events and businesses. Feel free to write if you have any questions of concerns. Oak Ridge _ Island Beach front homesite 3 year term., Lawson Rock,30% down, 6% int Emerald Beach Home – Check out the videos on this one! Villa Shanti – Luxury – Would make a great location and building for a high end B & B $252K Jungle Reef Home -Recently Reduced – $69,000 West Bay, Lot # 40 Kai Linda Way |